Grit is the big story. And if this is the beginning of the end, we'll need more of it than you might imagine - and not just on the roads.
But I'm alright, dear reader. It hasn't brought me to a standstill. I was already at a standstill. And thanks to that plethora of '£7 off £70' Tesco vouchers in the run up to Xmas, the larder is groaning. I could survive for years. I might chip in if the neighbours come begging but I'll be choosy which ones - I see Cllr Geoff Green is ranting on about the money spent on sandwiches at Wirral Council but methinks he's had one too many £50 dinner at the taxpayers' expense so he'll just get lentils from me.
When the tinned goods run out there'll be seeds to plant, berries from the garden, cockles from the shore - and squirrels galore (one interrupts fence-hurdling now to look at me accusingly, but it can't possibly understand - can it?)
Once the power goes I'll miss the typing and the telly - but there's an awful lot of un-read books under this roof too thanks to Borders closing down. I'm almost looking forward to it.
Gritter crashes: www.wirralglobe.co.uk/news/4837411.Wirral_gritter_van_skids_into_building/
Woman gives birth on M53:
£525,000 for Council meals angers Tories: www.wirralglobe.co.uk/news/4838262.__
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